
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

RIP Andy Irons

Though it may not make the front page of the paper in northern California, the surfing community was hit hard Tuesday afternoon with the news that 3-time world champion Andy Irons had passed away.  The 32 year old, world-class athlete, leaves behind his parents, brother Bruce, and his wife who is pregnant with their first child.  Apparently, Irons began feeling symptoms of fever and dehydration while in Puerto Rico for a contest.  He felt so ill that he decided to skip his last two heats of the contest and fly home to Hawaii.  After a layover and Dallas, Irons felt too ill to board the plane and decided to stay the night and fly home the next day.  He was found in his hotel room in the morning.  Irons symptoms mirror those of Dengue Fever which is a viral disease transported through mosquitoes.
The virus is prevalent in the tropics in remote and developed areas and effects an estimated 50 million people each year.  The disease has become an epidemic in more than 100 countries.  

1 comment:

  1. Got to watch out for those mosquitoes. That is unbelievable that someone can die from such a small thing. Also surprising you don't hear of more people dying from this. Out in the Mid West tons of mosquitoes, why aren't more people dying in those places or do we just not hear about it?
